Ads privacy

At Remtoo, we respect your privacy and are committed to providing transparency and control over how your personal information is used in online advertising. This Privacy Notice explains how we collect, use, and share your personal information in relation to online advertising on Remtoo.

Types of Personal Information We Collect

When you use Remtoo, we collect certain personal information to show you relevant ads. This information may include:

1. Your device type

2. Your IP address

3. Your operating system

4. Your browsing behavior on Remtoo, such as pages you visited and searches you conducted

5. We may also receive information about you from third-party advertising partners.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We use your personal information to show you relevant ads on Remtoo. We may also use your personal information to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and to analyze trends and patterns in user behavior.

Sharing Your Personal Information

We may share your personal information with third-party advertising partners to show you relevant ads on other websites and platforms. We may also share your personal information with service providers who help us deliver and optimize our advertising campaigns.

Your Privacy Choices

You can opt-out of receiving personalized ads from us by using the following tools:

Remtoo Ad Preferences: You can access and manage your ad preferences on Remtoo by visiting your account settings.

Ad Choices: You can opt-out of personalized ads from participating companies by visiting the Ad Choices website.

Digital Advertising Alliance: You can opt-out of personalized ads from participating companies by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance website.

Please note that opting out of personalized ads does not mean you will no longer see ads, but they will no longer be tailored to your interests.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may update this Privacy Notice from time to time. If we make material changes to this Privacy Notice, we will notify you by posting a prominent notice on our website or by sending you an email.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or our practices, you can contact us at